Almost to the day, a year ago the workshop opened its door in California. There, Laura and Remy are the bosses! She got into motorcycle thanks to her dad and uncle both avid riders and lover of beautiful bikes, then with her husband she started to be involved in the motorcycle world. It is now in the Los Angeles area and Burbank to be more precise that you can visit the workshop and discuss a project with her.
At first…
At first and among the many activities BAAK has, it is the full custom projects that lead us to open the LA workshop between ocean, mountains and palm trees. In 2021 at the opening, the team was offering the iconic BAAK series designed in France, because the LA shop was and is still to this date only an assembly shop. The craftsmanship, the manufacturing stays in the Lyon HQ. The bikes built in LA are the perfect example of international cooperation with parts manufactured in France and then shipped for assembly in the US.
BAAK USA, it’s now over 20 full custom bikes based on Bonneville T100, T120 and Bobbers but also Royal Enfield with a great selection of 650 Interceptor. Setting up a shop half way across the world is also a great human adventure leads to fantastic meetings. The local LA motorcycle community has been of an incredible support . BAAK landing in the US was also an opportunity to continue and enhance the relationship between our brand and Royal Enfield. Laura and her team was able to create a healthy and productive relationship with the team of Royal Enfield North America and especially Bree Poland the Marketing Director for the American continent. She has been an incredible supporter and among the numerous projects Laura and her are working on is a beautiful video of the gorgeous Gallinella built in Los Angeles showing us her playground. If you want to feel the positive vibes this partnership can create, take a look at this video!
BAAK USA tomorrow
Laura is meeting more and more people interested in custom projects, some great bikes are coming for 2022! The opening of the Bike Shed in Los Angeles is something the whole LA motorcycle community is waiting for and of course BAAK bikes will be displayed there. Of course all the developments being currently done in France will be available in the US, and there some quite interesting things coming! When thinking about BAAK USA’s future there is of course the strong will to replicate the fantastic Adventures created in France but on US soil and that will hopefully come for 2023. See the below pictures for some example of what can be done and the savoir faire of the Los Angeles team when it comes to beautiful bikes.
It’s now up to you, contact Laura to start a project, even if you only have an idea and you don’t have the bike yet. Keep in mind that anything is possible…